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About Us
Upcoming Events & Reunions
Annual Banquet
Four Man Fun Scramble
Scholarship Applications
Scholarship Biographies
The Elizabeth Albright Education Scholarship
Battershell Family Scholarship
Louise Bingham Memorial Scholarship
Mary Louis Bixler Education Scholarship
Bohaychyk Memorial Scholarship
Gerald P. Burke
Ede Caretta Family Scholarship
The Frank J. and Anna Carozzi Memorial Scholarship
The General John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough, Academic Warrior Award
Class of '66 Military Award
Class of 1968
Class of 1973
Class of 1990
Coastal Pet - Stout Family Scholarship
Ford C. Davis
Harold (Bud) and Betty Devies
Howard & Ruthann Dickerhoof
The Duke Scholarship
Lee and Carolyn Gabric Scholarship
Govern Schisler Family Scholarship
Greiner Family Scholarship
Gulling Family Scholarship
Barbara Yoder Hall Memorial
Alex Hallman Memorial Scholarship
Hastings Scholarship
Thomas Hazen Memorial Scholarship
Howard F. and Trudy S. Kitzmiller
Kimi Korleski Memorial Scholarship
James Krabill Scholarship
Ed and Linda Kuvlesky Scholarship
Lexington Twp. Vol. Firefighter Scholarship in Memory of Berkley Barker
Liber Service Award Scholarship
Marlington Alumni Association Scholarship
Wayne and Bertha McAlister Family Scholarship
The McIntosh Family Scholarship
Donald Moore Memorial Scholarship
Pete Moulin Scholarship
Rita Moulin Memorial Scholarship
The Franklin L. (Butch) Muniz Baseball Scholarship
Robert E. and William E. Patton Scholarship
Mike and Linda Pauli and Family Scholarship
Ramser Scholarship
Scott and Cheryl Robertson Scholarship
Melvin J. Snode Memorial Scholarship
Howard and Berdine Strouble Scholarship
Harold (Hal) and Ruth Sweitzer
Carol Teutsch Memorial
Thomas Family Scholarship
Walter Family Scholarship
Denver Werstler Memorial Scholarship
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